Saturday 26 October 2013

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls  Definition

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Some commentators also use display resolution to indicate a range of input formats that the display's input electronics will accept and often include formats greater than the screen's native grid size even though they have to be down-scaled to match the screen's parameters (e.g., accepting a 1920 × 1080 input on a display with a native 1366 × 768 pixel array). In the case of television inputs, many manufacturers will take the input and zoom it out to "overscan" the display by as much as 5% so input resolution is not necessarily display resolution.

The eye's perception of display resolution can be affected by a number of factors – see image resolution and optical resolution. One factor is the display screen's rectangular shape, which is expressed as the ratio of the physical picture width to the physical picture height. This is known as the aspect ratio. A screen's physical aspect ratio and the individual pixels' aspect ratio may not necessarily be the same. An array of 1280 × 720 on a 16:9 display has square pixels, but an array of 1024 × 768 on a 16:9 display has rectangular pixels.

An example of pixel shape affecting "resolution" or perceived sharpness: displaying more information in a smaller area using a higher resolution makes the image much clearer or "sharper". However, most recent screen technologies are fixed at a certain resolution; making the resolution lower on these kinds of screens will greatly decrease sharpness, as an interpolation process is used to "fix" the non-native resolution input into the display's native resolution output.

While some CRT-based displays may use digital video processing that involves image scaling using memory arrays, ultimately "display resolution" in CRT-type displays is affected by different parameters such as spot size and focus, astigmatic effects in the display corners, the color phosphor pitch shadow mask (such as Trinitron) in color displays, and the video bandwidth
 systems use interlaced video scanning with two sequential scans called fields (50 PAL or 60 NTSC fields per second), one with the odd numbered scan lines, the other with the even numbered scan lines to give a complete picture or frame (25 or 30 frames per second). This is done to save transmission bandwidth but a consequence is that in picture tube (CRT) displays, the full vertical resolution cannot be realized. For example, the maximum detail in the vertical direction would be for adjacent lines to be alternately black then white. This is not as great a problem in a progressive video display but an interlace display will have an unacceptable flicker at the slower frame rate. This is why interlace is unacceptable for fine detail such as computer word processing or spreadsheets. For television it means that if the picture is intended for interlace displays the picture must be vertically filtered to remove this objectionable flicker with a reduction of vertical resolution. According to the Kell factor the reduction is to about 85%, so a 576 line PAL interlace display only has about 480 lines vertical resolution, and a 486 line NTSC interlace display has a resolution of approximately 410 lines vertical. Similarly, 1080i digital interlaced video (the "i" in 1080i refers to "interlaced") would need to be filtered to about 910 lines for an interlaced display, although a fixed pixel display (such as LCD television) eliminates the inaccuracies of scanning, and thus can achieve Kell factors as high as 95% or 1020 lines. It should be noted that the Kell Factor equally applies to progressive scan. Using a Kell factor of 0.9, a 1080p HDTV video system using a CCD camera and an LCD or plasma display will only have 1728 × 972 lines of resolution.

Fixed pixel array displays such as LCDs, plasmas, DLPs, LCoS, etc. need a "video scaling" processor with frame memory, which, depending on the processing system, effectively converts an incoming interlaced video signal into a progressive video signal. A similar process occurs in a PC and its display with interlaced video (e.g., from a TV tuner card). The downside is that interlace motion artifacts are almost impossible to remove resulting in horizontal "toothed" edges on moving objects.

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In recent years the popularity of 16:9 aspect ratios has resulted in more notebook display resolutions adhering to this aspect ratio. 1366 × 768 (HD) has become popular for most notebook sizes, while 1600 × 900 (HD+) and 1920 × 1080 (FHD) are available for larger notebooks.

As far as digital cinematography is concerned, video resolution standards depend first on the frames' aspect ratio in the film stock (which is usually scanned for digital intermediate post-production) and then on the actual points' count. Although there is not a unique set of standardized sizes, it is commonplace within the motion picture industry to refer to "nK" image "quality", where n is a (small, usually even) integer number which translates into a set of actual resolutions, depending on the film format. As a reference consider that, for a 4:3 (around 1.33:1) aspect ratio which a film frame (no matter what is its format) is expected to horizontally fit in, n is the multiplier of 1024 such that the horizontal resolution is exactly 1024·n points. For example, 2K reference resolution is 2048 × 1536 pixels, whereas 4K reference resolution is 4096 × 3072 pixels. Nevertheless, 2K may also refer to resolutions like 2048 × 1556 (full-aperture), 2048 × 1152 (HDTV, 16:9 aspect ratio) or 2048 × 872 pixels (Cinemascope, 2.35:1 aspect ratio). It is also worth noting that while a frame resolution may be, for example, 3:2 (720 × 480 NTSC), that is not what you will see on-screen (i.e. 4:3 or 16:9 depending on the orientation of the rectangular pixels).
Evolution of standards
The blue borders in the overscan region would have been barely visible.
640 × 200 – monitor vs. television
Many personal computers introduced in the late 1970s and the 1980s were designed to use television receivers as their display devices, making the resolutions dependent on the television standards in use, including PAL and NTSC. Picture sizes were usually limited to ensure the visibility of all the pixels in the major television standards and the broad range of television sets with varying amounts of overscan. The actual drawable picture area was, therefore, somewhat smaller than the whole screen, and was usually surrounded by a static-colored border (see image to right). Also, the interlace scanning was usually omitted in order to provide more stability to the picture, effectively halving the vertical resolution in progress. 160 × 200, 320 × 200 and 640 × 200 on NTSC were relatively common resolutions in the era (224, 240 or 256 scanlines were also common). In the IBM PC world, these resolutions came to be used by 16-color EGA video cards.
Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc

Hd Wallpapers Of Beautiful Girls Of Girls And Boys 1080p 2013 And Cars Hot Pakistani Pack Faces For MObile For Pc


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